Friday, October 22, 2010

Dark reaction


Light Reaction

light reaction occur in thylakoid membrane or grana...
there are two types of photosystem....
  • photosystem i (P700)
  • photosystem ii (P680)

Light Reaction.

  • Light reaction occur in grana.
  • Chlorophyll molecule absorb/trap light energy.
  • Energy absorbed transferred to reaction centre of Photosystem (ii) P680, P680 is photoactivated.
  • Electron become excited and move to primary acceptor.
  • The electron is transferred down the energy level through a series of electron carries.
  • Among the electron series carries are plastocyanin, chytochrome complex, plastoquinone.
  • When electron transferred don the energy level, energy is released which is used for phosphorylation process which ADP+Pi = ATP.
  • Electron finally transferred to P700, the reaction centre of PS (i).
  • Molecules in PS I also absorb light energy.The energy transferred to reaction centre of PS (i).PS (i) is photoactivated.
  • The electron become excited and move to primary acceptor.
  • Then the electron transferred to through a finally electron series that is NADP is converted into NADPH+H+. This pathway considered as non-cyclic phosphorylation.
  • The cyclic phosphorylation is the chlorophyll molecule absorb light energy.The photosysytem I activated.
  • The electron become excited and move to primary acceptor.
  • Then the electron is transferred through a electron series carries. Among the electron series carries are cytochrome complex, and plastocyanin.
  • Finally, the electron move back tp Photosystem (i).